A downloadable game for Windows

My task is to search and find the life-crystal hidden somewhere. This cave is strange, everytime I turn off my light things seems to move positions. Though it could become handy to progress !

AD or QD : Movement

Spacebar : Jump

LeftClick : Turn On/Off Lights

RightClick or E : Pickup Crystals/Loot Corpses

You are stuck ? Have you tried turning your light off and on ?


Credits :

I made this game on my own during the 50th ludum dare game jam.

Character Sprite : Me =)

Levels Sprites : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/environments/2d-platfrom-tile-set-cave-...

Music :

Jim Guthrie - Campfire 

Saunder Jurriaans · Danny Bensi - Delusions

Headlund - No Real Surprise


Shaft_1.0_QWERTY (Original Submission).zip 43 MB
Shaft_1.3_AZERTY.zip 44 MB
Shaft_1.3_QWERTY.zip 44 MB